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The events in India never got any international press, barring the disasters. It was just another mystical country in the international media for few tourists.

Today, coupled with great forex reserves, noticeable billionaire industrialists and the foremost position in the IT and ITES industries, India is seen as a country with great potentials to be a super power with knowledge economy. It now receives great media coverage and is on the international radar. More jobs have shifted to India than anywhere else. It is no longer strange to see expats working along with the Indians in the Indian cities even of B and C class categories. India is recognised as a country with more English in the people than any other non-English-speaking countries.

It is no secret, however, over the years there has a great moan and concern about the decline in standards amongst the graduates and the students with regard to their proficiency in English. The decline, in reality, has been there for many years. Our universities specialize in producing, year after year, unemployable graduates, who add up to the growing problem of unemployment in the country. Our government and the policy makers attribute to various reasons and causes and not enough attention was paid as there were anyway not enough jobs in the country. No serious attempts were made to find a solution or rectify the problem.

This problem of unemployable graduates have come to the forefront of the government and the policy makers and assumes a different dimension and a different magnitude and everyone wants an immediate solution and a quick-fix solution. The reasons are obvious as there are now enough jobs in the country but prospective employers are unable to find employable graduates. Prospective employers spend huge sums of money searching for the employable graduates as they move from college to college in their campus recruitment drives. The problem that existed in India for years have now become seen as the first and foremost problem to be solved to take advantage of the opportunities. All stakeholders, the government, the policy makers, the educationists, the institutions, the teachers, the parents and the publishers are joining hands to fight this menace and problem. The students community too have woken up to their neglect as they are making efforts to improve themselves.

Orient Longman analysed and identified the interventions that are needed to provide take part in the solution of the problem. It realized that while our education system is realigning and working hard to modify itself, it must bring international standards in English and Desktop computing skills to make a transition of those unemployable graduates to employable graduates. As a publisher, the role it needs to play is to make available by providing global benchmarks in English and desktop computing skills and raise the bar of standards of the graduates in the country. Through certification programmes, the graduates can now look forward to aiming and working relentlessly to achieve the international standards.

While the Indian IT industry is making news everyday on its path-breaking achievements, there are hundreds of millions still in the country who have no knowledge of the basic computing skills which deny them the fruits of development from India’s economic boom. The number of people who are on the wrong side of this “Digital Divide” is feared to grow exponentially, and if urgent steps are not taken to educate the digitally disadvantaged, India’s foremost position in the IT world will soon be lost.

It is with the aim to help bridge this divide and facilitate millions to make the digital “cross-over”, Orient Longman has established partnership with India cyberlearning pvt. Ltd. to take the online training and certification of Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) program to academic segment throughout India.

The Microsoft Office Specialist program is helping organizations to meet the demand for qualified and knowledgeable people in the modern workplace.
To train and prepare on the MOS skills, candidates have access to graphically rich online course content with voice over instructions of lessons at every level. The online courses have exercises, concept reinforcement and simulation tests that are all designed to enhance individual skills and proficiency using the Microsoft Office Suite in real-world scenarios. This self-paced, engaging course can be completed without external teacher assistance.

Orient Longman, with its decades of publishing and marketing expertise in the school and higher academic sectors and with branches across the country, is most suited to market MOS as the added Microsoft-centered training and certification compliments their product and business profile.

Friday, June 12, 2009

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